Many wart sufferers have long believed the old myth that duct tape could cure them of their affliction- but now scientists aren't so sure. The quick, easy, effortless, and painless procedure of using duct tape has always been a favorite among treatments, as compared to freeze drying and simply cutting them off. Now, the treatment has been investigated- and found to be much more complex than previously thought.
Apparently, the duct tape irritates the skin, which stimulates the immune system to attack the area, which will of course be the area of the wart. The immune system effectively kills the wart virus, and is considered a real treatment to such a problem.
In a more recent study, only 20% of all adults tested benefited from the duct tape. In a great folly, scientists found out they had used transparent tape- not the classic rubber duct tape that many people use. There is now a debate as to whether or not the rubber would stimulate the immune system or not, with no real precise answer just yet.
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Warts are simply bumps on the hand or feet, which stay on the outer layer of the skin, which avoids the natural immune system of the human body. Oddly, children benefited from the treatment more than adults.
All one can do is hope that the treatment works- it is expected the duct tape treatment works in about 8 in 30 people, not a very significant number. If you aren't affected by the treatment, talk to your doctor about further options.
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